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Your daily dose of micro-learning: a quick and easy way to build your skills and stay competitive. 

  • 46 enrols

  • 2 Activities

  • 1 Resources

Overview of Services

Welcome to Career Services Overview

From educational and training opportunities to networking events, job fairs and...

  • 780 enrols

  • 4 Activities

  • 0 Resources

Resume Workshop

Do you have a copy of your resume? Whether you are creating your first resume or trying to fit twenty years of

  • 1507 enrols

  • 4 Activities

  • 0 Resources

Job Interview I, II, III

Practicing before your job interview and knowing what to expect, increases your confidence. You gain constructive ...

  • 991 enrols

  • 4 Activities

  • 1 Resources

Effective Job Search
  • 882 enrols

  • 4 Activities

  • 0 Resources

Success at Job and Career Fairs

Attending a career or job fair allow you the opportunity to meet one on one with company representatives that could...

  • 230 enrols

  • 3 Activities

  • 0 Resources

Guide to Successful Workplace Habits

When you start a new job, you don't always get the training and step-by-step manual you might hope for. So, how can ...

  • 447 enrols

  • 4 Activities

  • 0 Resources

Project Reconnect

Do you have barriers to employment?
If you have background issues including legal problems, poor credit, or a ...

  • 437 enrols

  • 4 Activities

  • 0 Resources

Employ Florida Background Using Paths

Learn how to record details of your education and employment histories, as well as other profile criteria. Detailed ...

  • 380 enrols

  • 3 Activities

  • 2 Resources

Creating an Individual Employ Florida Account

Learn how to create your individual account to complete system registration. This will enable you to take full ...

  • 377 enrols

  • 3 Activities

  • 2 Resources

Job Searching in Employ Florida

Learn how to conduct a job search to find employment opportunities. The video will demonstrate the various search ...

  • 436 enrols

  • 3 Activities

  • 2 Resources

Conducting an Occupational Search

Learn how to search for and select a desired occupation. Employ Florida uses the O*NET program, the nation’s primary ...

  • 335 enrols

  • 2 Activities

  • 2 Resources

Conducting an Industry Search

Learn how to search for and select a desired industry using the North American Industry Classification System. In ...

  • 354 enrols

  • 2 Activities

  • 2 Resources

Employ Florida Virtual Recruiter

Learn how the system automatically searches for jobs based on your desired criteria. When it finds a match, the ...

  • 409 enrols

  • 3 Activities

  • 2 Resources

Employ Florida Resume Builder

Learn the basics to create a professional resume to advertise your skills and experience to employers. This tutorial ...

  • 379 enrols

  • 3 Activities

  • 2 Resources

Business Services Overview

Welcome to Business Services Overview
Whether your business needs help recruiting specialized talent, hiring new ...

  • 91 enrols

  • 4 Activities

  • 0 Resources

A Guide to CareerSource Flagler Volusia Business Ethics

Good ethics are good business. Yet sometimes we all struggle to do the right thing in the workplace. Maybe we feel ...

  • 88 enrols

  • 4 Activities

  • 0 Resources

Board and Local Elected Official Orientation

CareerSource Flagler Volusia's Board and Local Elected Official Orientation

This chapter covers the following topics:

  • 35 enrols

  • 2 Activities

  • 2 Resources